START COUNTING REPS ON THE RICHTER SCALE: End cap sign from GNC in-store product launch campaign for Quake™ pre-workout from Scivation®.
YOUR GUT IS A GOOD THING: GNC Canada magazine ad for GNC Ultra 25 Probiotic Complex.
WE’RE YOUR STOP TO SAVE ON MULTIVITAMINS: A bus station sign from GNC Canada’s Wellness Essentials in-store and mass transit campaign, helping drive an over 15% increase in sales across multivitamins, fish oil, and probiotics during that time period.
ALL I WANT FOR X-MAS IS YOUR 2 FRONT TEETH: Exclusive giveaway t-shirt for participants in the Pittsburgh Penguins® Student Rush program.
HEROES DON’T PICK THEIR BATTLES: Exclusive Veteran’s Day giveaway t-shirt for participants in the Pittsburgh Penguins® Student Rush program.
…AND THAT’S JUST OUR OPENING ACT: Event program ad from Show Time at PPG Paints Arena.
GET ELEVATED: Muscle & Fitness magazine ad for GNC Pro Performance® Whey Iso Burst protein.
YOU ARE THE ULTIMATE TEST: Magazine ad from product launch for Anabolic Testosterone System from Beyond Raw®.
GO WTIH YOUR GUT: Tri-fold pamphlet on GNC’s digestive support options available in the EU.
GNC-BRAND PRODUCT SIGNS: Wholesale partners selling GNC-brand items often request in-store signage featuring easy-to-understand explanations on product benefits.
MULTIVITAMIN UPGRADE EVENT: I was asked to help elevate an in-store sign for a multivitamin trade-in event—so, based on a hunch that GNC’s premium multivitamins would have more vitamin C and zinc per serving compared to grocery store competitors, I researched and created our new “Key vitamins for immune support at 200%+ daily value” claim with help from GNC’s R&D team.